Location: calgary, alberta, Canada

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

good trip

today i had a good trip with Suan and Ormarys in sourth Alberta. Because we have to do a presention of the grassland ecosystem on thursday, our group decide to take a real discovery of the grassland to find some samples and take some pictures. After class, we take the C-train for a long time, then Ormarys find her sister who works in a supperstore and get a car. so we begin the trip...
we first find some broad grassland, it is all covered with snow. we get out of the car and take some picture. then we keep going, to a farther place, and find some different kinds of plants. we take some of them to be samples which will be used on the presentation. After that, we come back to look for some animals. we find some bulls at first. Susan want to take some pictures of them, so that she leave the car and walk near these bulls. Amazingly, these huge animals afraid of Susan! they stoped rest and looked at her for a short while, and then they run away! i think it is so funny~
Unfortunately, we confused about the way at beginning of the way back to school, but i find a kind of animal that i have never seen it before! Ormarys told us that they were pronounced like "lema" or "lama" (i don't know how to spell). i felt so good that i can know a new kind of animals!What a good trip!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey bodyger, miss me??
i really enjoyed the time with u in calgary, and im expecting u coming to edm!!

8:02 PM  
Blogger caleb said...

really? thanks so much~ i feel so happy about that.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MAN!! don't u know how hard i find ur fcuking space
why do u write in Eng?

11:31 AM  
Blogger Scott Douglas said...

That is so cool that you went on a trip to Southern Alberta for your presentation! It really showed up in how well you guys did. Good job!

10:10 AM  
Blogger caleb said...

Tony!!missyou so much~i blog in English because that's a part of my class and directly affect my marks

1:58 PM  
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9:18 AM  

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